Monday, March 1, 2010


1. What is your living situation? I live in a house on the east side of town. We have 4 bedrooms with a bonus room which we use as a gameroom. We have a living room, dinning room, den, kitchen, and sunroom. I live with both my parents my sister and my brother. I am the oldest child.

2. What are the particular challenges of your life? Challenges that I have in my life are health related problems. This year I have been sick alot, and it has been holding me back from performing as well as I can in school. If I wasn't sick I believe I would be in the top of my class.

3. What is your favorite family activity? My family is very close so we do alot of things as a family. I like it when we sit in the den and have movie night and order pizza and wings. I also like when we have our family time. That's when just sit and talk about what we need to do as a family and what our parents can do to help us in school.

4. What is your favorite solo activity? My favorite solo activity has to be reading. I have always been a person that loves to read. While I read I like listening to soft music it is very relaxing. I don't have time to read as much as I want during school because I'm so busy, but during the summer I read everyday.

5. Who or what inspires you most in your life? The person who inspires me the most would be my mom of course, but she isn't the only one. Jennifer Hudson inspires me. Her music is just so amazing to me. Her mother, brother and, nephew were killed and she showed strength. If that would have happened to me I probably would be in a deep depression.

6. What are some talents you would like to develop as you get older? I would like to learn how to play chess. I think that would be something I would like to learn. Another talent I wish to learn is how to play golf and tennis.

7. What makes you different from most other people your age? What makes me different from other people is my realistic way of thinking. I don't think that the world is going to be handed to me on a siliver platter. I very mature for my age and I do not take place in the foolishness that people my age consider to be fun. We are almost adluts there is no time to be talking about what people have on and what they don't have on. Life is not a fashion show and I wish people my age would grow up and see that success in not based on your name brands, but the brain that you have.

8. What would you like the rest of the world to know about you? What I want the world to know about me is that I will be successful in life and I want let no one or nothing stop me. I am a wonderful person to work with and I love helping people.

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