Monday, March 1, 2010

Party Boys-4 random words

John and Kenny had just left school and were on their way home. The two boys were trying to figure out what they wanted to do for the weekend.

“How about going to the movies” Kenny said

“No man, we do that almost every weekend plus there are no good movies out.” John replied
When the boys got to John’s house they headed straight for the refrigerator like they did every day.

“We still haven’t decided what we are going to do this weekend” Kenny said reaching for the pizza rolls.

“Why do I have to always choose what we are going to do for the weekend you have a brain too.”

“Ding” went the microwave indicating that the boy’s pizza snacks were ready.
After they finished eating the boys went to play the video game it was Friday and thankfully their teacher Mr. Brame didn’t give them any writing assignments.

“I can transform you, I can transform you” went Kenny’s cell phone

“Hello…Ok…Sure…We will be there…Ok thank you…Bye.” He said to the caller.

“Dude who was that?” asked John.

“A girl that I used to talk to her friend is having a party and she has invited us to come.”

“Yes we finally have something to do.”

These boys didn’t know what they had gotten into this was no ordinary party you see; there was no way these boys would be ready to experience what was going to happen here. This was a party where young teens try to get their peers to become heathens just like them. If these boys only knew what they were getting themselves into.

The next day John exited his home and went over Kenny’s house just to go over there and hang out before he went home and got dressed for the party. They had their outfits all planned out and ready.

“Hey J what’s up?” said Kenny

“Nothing much Ken, just ready for this party tonight.” John replied

“I know what you mean I am too, but until then what do you want to do?”

“Let’s go play basketball for awhile”

The two of them headed to the park to play basketball. When they got there they saw some of their friends from school. They played for a few hour then they headed home to shower and get ready for the party.

When they arrived to the party it was very dark and it didn’t seem like many people were there. They arrived late just to give people time to come. When they walked in Kenny’s friend greeted them at the door. The house was dark in the house, the only light in the house was from the candles they had lit all around the room. The boys didn’t know what to expect.

“What is this man? What have you brought me to?” asked John.

“These people are crazy man. I don’t know what kind of party this is let’s try to get out of here.” Kenny responded.

The two boys ran to exit the horrible party and ran home vowing to never go to heathen party like that again.

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