Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Which One Is True

Am I Lying?

Picture it Memphis 2006 it was a calm crisp afternoon the day was perfect. My friends and I were walking through the neighborhood to get some exercise. Then Brittney stopped because she saw a dog lying in the middle of the street. The dog looked crippled and sickly. We didn’t know what to do. We didn’t want to get too close for fear of what the dog might do to us. I am scared of dogs so I wasn’t getting to close. We just looked at the dog for a few minutes until my friend said we should go ask the neighbors was it their dog. I went and knocked on the door, but no one answered. I then went to the next house a boy answered the door but said it wasn’t his dog. He told us he had never seen that dog in the neighborhood before.
I decided that we should and call animal control. They could get the dog some help and maybe find out who the owner was. We ran into the house and I got the phonebook and Brittney went to find the number on the computer. We found the number and called them about the dog. Within 15 minutes they were there at my house ready to scoop up the doggy. We were happy that we could help that poor helpless animal.
After a long day of school I had to go and take my nap. It was a normal thing for me, but for so reason I couldn’t go to sleep. I went downstairs and got me a cup of water and watched television for a while, I figured that would help me fall asleep. That didn’t work so I went outside with my brother and he dared me to go get my mothers’ keys and drive her car down the street and back. I was so nervous I was going to say no, but if I didn’t do it he wouldn't let me live it down so I went and got the keys. She was still asleep so that was good for me.I got into the car cranked it up and started backing out the driveway. Boom! I hit the garbage can. I put the car in park and jumped out. Trash was everywhere I knew I would be in trouble. My brother was laughing so hard he was crying. My mother can outside to see what was going on with us; when she saw her car I knew then that it was the end for me. My life was officially over!

Picture it my house summer time chilling with my cousins. We were having so much fun all six of together acting a nut. My parent weren’t home of course which made it even better. We had played all the video games and watched all the television we could watch. We decided to go outside in the summer heat. We got out there and we didn’t know what we should do, so my cousin Tisha said we should jump rope like when we were little. This was a good idea, the only problem was we didn’t have a jump rope. Jokingly I said lets use the water hose. My cousin Tiffany picked up the water hose and said lets jump.
I started laughing and said you can’t be serious. She was and we started jumping rope with an old water hose it was kind of heavy which made it hard to turn but overall we had fun. My arm muscles were strengthened I can assure you that. I got hit with the hose when I was trying to run in it hurt so bad but, I still continued to jump.

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