Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A&P Plaid edtion

“Why do we have to go in there?” I asked “you can just run in there and get it by yourself.”

“Look you are my friend and friends do things together so come lets go.” Said Queenie.

Reluctantly I went inside thing small grocery store. I felt very uncomfortable walking in there with a bath suit on. When we got inside the floor felt good to my plump wide feet. It was scorching hot outside and this air-conditioned store felt good on my over-heated body. I really wasn’t paying attention to why we came in this store; so I just followed Queenie around the store aisles. Queenie looked up and down on the shelves.

“What are we looking for?” asked Big tall gooney gooney

“Yea what are we looking for?” I asked

“I wonder sometimes why I hang out with slow people.” She said. “my mother told me to pick up some Kingfish Fancy Herring Snacks in Pure Sour Cream.”

“You didn’t have to call us slow.” I replied

She rolled her eyes and we keep walking. We helped her look for what she needed we went aisle by aisle and shelf by shelf. We couldn’t find what we were looking for. Next we went up the cat and dog food breakfast cereal macaroni raisins seasoning spreads spaghetti soft drink crackers and cookies aisle. When didn’t see the fancy snacks, but we did see cookies. I reached for a bag then I thought no I shouldn’t eat those I need to watch it because this bathing suit is fitting rather tight already.

I told Queenie to go ask the man at the meat counter did they have any. She was hesitant to go because they man was starring at us like we were meat.
He pointed us in the direction on the snacks and as we turned I could feel his eyes glaring at us. We picked up the snacks and head to the checkout counter. The boy who checked us out was rather handsome, but I knew he wouldn’t want to talk to me he would more than likely go after
“Miss Queenie.” I would rather just stay in the background anyway.

As we were checking out this over-weight older man came up to us saying were not dressed decent to come into his store. He must not have seen what a junkyard this place is. I told him that we were dressed decent and that we only came to retrieve one thing. As soon as the boy checked us out we left.

I heard the young boy say he was quitting and that we didn’t deserve to be treated like that. It warmed my heart to her somebody take up for me instead of criticizing me. I wanted to stay and say thank you, but Queenie was embarrassed and insisted that we leave immediately. That is what she gets for dragging us in there when we didn’t want to go.

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