Monday, April 26, 2010

I Robot

Detective Smith knew that there were flaws in at least one of the robots, and he was correct. The robot named doctor knew everything. Detective Smith hated the idea of having robots walking the planet with humans. He knew it would be a bad idea.

“Detective what are you doing?” asked the lady

“I know these robots are trained not to hurt humans, but I bet out of 1,000 at least one will.” He said

We walked up the front row if robots with a gun held to their face. Doctor was thinking to himself

“I must blend in I don’t want to hurt this man.”


A shot rang out from the detective’s gun. He had shot one of the robots. He was going to prove his point one way or another. Doctor heard this and thought this man is crazy. The detective continued walking up to robots putting his gun up to their faces. When he then came to the row were Doctor was. Detective Smith had some feeling that he was going to find what he was in the right row. As he began to pull the trigger Doctor stepped out of the line to see what was happening. Just as he did that Detective Smith ran toward him. Doctor ran and hid in the mix of his fellow robots. As the detective passed him he jumped him from behind sending him flying across the room like a paper ball. Doctor ran and pried the door open. Little did he know the detective had a surprise waiting for him.

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