Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Which One Is True

Am I Lying?

Picture it Memphis 2006 it was a calm crisp afternoon the day was perfect. My friends and I were walking through the neighborhood to get some exercise. Then Brittney stopped because she saw a dog lying in the middle of the street. The dog looked crippled and sickly. We didn’t know what to do. We didn’t want to get too close for fear of what the dog might do to us. I am scared of dogs so I wasn’t getting to close. We just looked at the dog for a few minutes until my friend said we should go ask the neighbors was it their dog. I went and knocked on the door, but no one answered. I then went to the next house a boy answered the door but said it wasn’t his dog. He told us he had never seen that dog in the neighborhood before.

Friday, March 19, 2010

My Last Will and Testament

I Queen B being of sound mind and body, hereby establish my last will and testament. I am naming my brother Prince J as my executor. He was the closest to me I know he will be responsible enough to carry out my wishes.

To my sister Princess C I leave all my high heeled shoes. I know you admired all my shoes. You will take good care of them I know. To my cousin T I will to you all of my clothing I know how much you wanted to dress like me so here is your chance. Cherish them wearing these clothes will make you feel closer to me even though I am not there. Prince J I can’t leave you out buddy I leave you with my collection of music. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did little buddy. Make sure you keep your love for music. To my mother I leave my class ring that you spent so much money on. It is only far that you keep it. Daddy I leave to you my active mind set and all the money in my bank account. It is time or you to go explore the world now.

Family I love you dearly and I hope to see you up in heaven. Where we will sing and shout. See you when you get there my good people.

Queen B
What We Learned
My classmates and I were given an assignment asked us what we learned living in Memphis. Here are a few of our answers...

Thursday, March 18, 2010



Roaring on the mighty Mississppi

We are the birth place of Rock and Roll

Here in this city the king still lives

Soul is something you're born with it's not taught

They say crime rules my city

I can't say I don't believe them

For I have seen the horror that you have caused





All come to my mind

Still, you hold so much beauty

I love you no matter the harm you do

The day will come when crime and racism will not run this town

We will rebuild and tear down and repeat this cycle

Our city will shine, We must reach our goal

They show all the bad we do

They never credit you for your generous acts

Some of the most talented people were birth from you

The world has yet to see the tremendous things you offer

Fedex and International Paper were born here

Two major companies that affect the world.

Trust me they have not seen the other great corporations that are soon to come

Through it all you are an amazing city

We just keep rolling on the river

Personal Essay

What Think is Hot

Life is all about fact and opinions, so here are in my opinion the top 5 fast food restaurants, singers, TV shows. My opinions may not matter to you but they matter to me so listen up!

Burger King is number one on my fast food list. I choose it as number on because they give you a good burger without frying and its burgers are bigger than its competition. Next is Steak and Shake; they have some wonderful shakes and there steak burgers are to die for. I love this place. Of course I must put the most popular fast food chain of all McDonalds. There burgers may not be that appealing, but their chicken nuggets are divine, and a favorite among children young and old. I have to admit Taco Bell is a guilty pleasure of mine, so they came in at number 4. Last but not least Subway very healthy I love their subs. Fast and healthy just how I like it.

Monday, March 8, 2010

E.E. Cummings style poem

Why must we go through the same routine daily
life has No surprises or excitement
we are just like robots
taking ordes from others
Never stopping to have fun and relax
our life jus keeps moving on by

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

12 Line Poem-All Most There

I am so close to my goal.
Nothing is going to stop me!
I have a plan and I'm sticking to it.
I will live out the dream of my father.
You see we shared the same dream.
If only he were here to witness this excitment.
People will come from all aroung just to eat my food.
You see the fun comes after I put in my hard work.
A husband and children are not in the picture right now.
I don't need anything to hold me back.
I want the glitz and glamour.
I'm almost there!

My Choice

Where do I go? How do I start?
Ok I think I'm ready. No, wait I'm not.
I don't want to leave out of this comfort zone.
Is it really time for me to be on my own, and experince life.
I wonder how you feel right now knowing that I must go.
It's hard for me to know I'm not going to see you everyday.
We both know that I have to go. I am not ready though,
Neither are you; when the time comes we will both have
Tears of sorrow and cry out boo hoo.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Party Boys-4 random words

John and Kenny had just left school and were on their way home. The two boys were trying to figure out what they wanted to do for the weekend.

“How about going to the movies” Kenny said

“No man, we do that almost every weekend plus there are no good movies out.” John replied
When the boys got to John’s house they headed straight for the refrigerator like they did every day.

“We still haven’t decided what we are going to do this weekend” Kenny said reaching for the pizza rolls.

“Why do I have to always choose what we are going to do for the weekend you have a brain too.”

“Ding” went the microwave indicating that the boy’s pizza snacks were ready.
After they finished eating the boys went to play the video game it was Friday and thankfully their teacher Mr. Brame didn’t give them any writing assignments.

“I can transform you, I can transform you” went Kenny’s cell phone


1. What is your living situation? I live in a house on the east side of town. We have 4 bedrooms with a bonus room which we use as a gameroom. We have a living room, dinning room, den, kitchen, and sunroom. I live with both my parents my sister and my brother. I am the oldest child.

2. What are the particular challenges of your life? Challenges that I have in my life are health related problems. This year I have been sick alot, and it has been holding me back from performing as well as I can in school. If I wasn't sick I believe I would be in the top of my class.

3. What is your favorite family activity? My family is very close so we do alot of things as a family. I like it when we sit in the den and have movie night and order pizza and wings. I also like when we have our family time. That's when just sit and talk about what we need to do as a family and what our parents can do to help us in school.