Friday, July 23, 2010

Senior Year!!

This summer was unlike any other. This was my last summer as a high school student. I worked a job and even started preparing for college. I decided to start taking class to help make my college life easier. This school year I am not in a traditional high school I chose to do something a little different this time.

I hope this year is full of excitement after all this is my last year being in high school.

Friday, May 7, 2010

What I Have Been Doing This Spring

My family and I have been spending more quality time together. We are being to come closer together.

We took our first family vaction in several year this spring. We went to Nashville, TN. I finally got to eat "White Castle" burgers.
I am starting my first job soon. I will be working at "Shoe Carnival".

I took my ACT this spring. I didn't get the score I wanted, but it was good for my first time.

I have an "A" in my trigonometry class. I thought it was going to be hard, but it is fairly easy.

Ella Fitzgerald-Smithsonian

Ella Fitzgerald was born in 1917. She was a singer during the mid 1930's up until her death in 1996. Fitzgerald went to a compition to dance not sing, but when she went on stage her legs froze. She was nervous, so she just begun to sing. She won the competition with her song. Her voice spanned three octaves. She became known as "The First Lady of Swing". As her voice get better she was then named the "Queen of Scat". Big name composers loved her voice and often wrote music for her one of them was Ira Gershwin.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Year 2000
This was the year of new beginnings for me. I was starting my first grade year at a new school, and not just any new school, it was a public school. I had been in private school before then, and I didn’t know what to expect going into a public school. Ross Elm. was the perfect start to begin private school. My teachers name was Ms. Cochran. She was very nice and patient with me. I was very shy and didn’t like being around other children. I remember we had lockers and my locker was at the top. I didn’t know how I was going to reach that locker. I told my teacher and she graciously changed my locker.

Year 2001
This was the year for many surprises for me. I was in the second grade at Ross Elm. and, my teacher was Mrs. Smith. She was a tall nice woman and I took the roll as teacher’s pet without even sucking up. I was very shy and didn’t talk much so she let me stick with her. This was the year that 9/11 happened it was a very tragic time for everyone. I really didn’t know all the details when I was young I just knew I was sad because a lot of people died and I was scared they were going to come and kill everyone in America.

Year 2002
Wow, third grade the year of transition. This was a very trying year for me. I attended Germanshire Elm. I had to change schools because the school I was in was over crowded. The best part was I had the same principals because the school was new and had just been built I was one the first third grade class. I had three teachers in one year which was very confusing. I had Mrs. Stacey first I started my year off with her and then two or three months into the school year they told her to teach a kindergarten class. They broke are class up and I was sent to Mrs. Bean’s class. She was very mean; I hated her class. Not just because she wasn’t Mrs. Stacey, but because I just didn’t like her. She ended up quitting because she said some other students and I were too much to handle, but then she told us she had arthritis and it was affecting her work. The other teacher came but I can’t remember her name. I was rude to her too just, but she broke through to me and she became one of the nicest people I ever met. I hate I can’t remember her name I can picture her face, but the name just doesn’t pop in my head.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Poetry Responce

This poem "Fat Is Not a Fairy Tale" was not what I expected. I thought this poem would be amusing, but it turned out to be something much more. As I began to read it the speaker had some true emotions about what she was writing. She really grabbed my attention when she talked about how all fairy tale princesses are wasp-waisted. All fairy tales do have that stick thin princess, but not everyone is made like that in life. Just because you are fat doesn’t mean you don’t deserved to be pictured as not beautiful. Why can't fat people be princesses; why can't they have a fairy tale? Everyone needs a happy ending including fat people.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I Robot

Detective Smith knew that there were flaws in at least one of the robots, and he was correct. The robot named doctor knew everything. Detective Smith hated the idea of having robots walking the planet with humans. He knew it would be a bad idea.

“Detective what are you doing?” asked the lady

“I know these robots are trained not to hurt humans, but I bet out of 1,000 at least one will.” He said

We walked up the front row if robots with a gun held to their face. Doctor was thinking to himself

“I must blend in I don’t want to hurt this man.”


A shot rang out from the detective’s gun. He had shot one of the robots. He was going to prove his point one way or another. Doctor heard this and thought this man is crazy. The detective continued walking up to robots putting his gun up to their faces. When he then came to the row were Doctor was. Detective Smith had some feeling that he was going to find what he was in the right row. As he began to pull the trigger Doctor stepped out of the line to see what was happening. Just as he did that Detective Smith ran toward him. Doctor ran and hid in the mix of his fellow robots. As the detective passed him he jumped him from behind sending him flying across the room like a paper ball. Doctor ran and pried the door open. Little did he know the detective had a surprise waiting for him.

80-word dash

The woman in the picture looks as if she is a former slve. She is now a servant for the person who once owned her. She is a strong woman aas far as I can see. She looks as if she is waiting for some big change to happen. With the flag behing her im thinking her husband might have been in the war. The look on her face shows she is not nice. She probably had a hard life, and it is showing on her face. she looks like she doesn't eat much, because she is so frail.