Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Year 2000
This was the year of new beginnings for me. I was starting my first grade year at a new school, and not just any new school, it was a public school. I had been in private school before then, and I didn’t know what to expect going into a public school. Ross Elm. was the perfect start to begin private school. My teachers name was Ms. Cochran. She was very nice and patient with me. I was very shy and didn’t like being around other children. I remember we had lockers and my locker was at the top. I didn’t know how I was going to reach that locker. I told my teacher and she graciously changed my locker.

Year 2001
This was the year for many surprises for me. I was in the second grade at Ross Elm. and, my teacher was Mrs. Smith. She was a tall nice woman and I took the roll as teacher’s pet without even sucking up. I was very shy and didn’t talk much so she let me stick with her. This was the year that 9/11 happened it was a very tragic time for everyone. I really didn’t know all the details when I was young I just knew I was sad because a lot of people died and I was scared they were going to come and kill everyone in America.

Year 2002
Wow, third grade the year of transition. This was a very trying year for me. I attended Germanshire Elm. I had to change schools because the school I was in was over crowded. The best part was I had the same principals because the school was new and had just been built I was one the first third grade class. I had three teachers in one year which was very confusing. I had Mrs. Stacey first I started my year off with her and then two or three months into the school year they told her to teach a kindergarten class. They broke are class up and I was sent to Mrs. Bean’s class. She was very mean; I hated her class. Not just because she wasn’t Mrs. Stacey, but because I just didn’t like her. She ended up quitting because she said some other students and I were too much to handle, but then she told us she had arthritis and it was affecting her work. The other teacher came but I can’t remember her name. I was rude to her too just, but she broke through to me and she became one of the nicest people I ever met. I hate I can’t remember her name I can picture her face, but the name just doesn’t pop in my head.

Year 2003
Fourth grade now this was when I really came out of my shell I was just a little social butterfly. Everybody knew me, but I didn’t know everybody. I was friends with fifth graders and back then you were very popular if you hung out with the fifth graders. The teachers loved me I helped people in the office they loved me. The principal and assistant principal were my friends I was always picked to do stuff for the school. My grades were wonderful I had the life. Then one day in after-care when went into the gym the custodial worker had just buffed the floor and they made us take our shoes off. We began to play kickball, it was my turn I kicked the ball and ran all the way around till I got to home plate. I just had a homerun I jumped with excitement when I came down I slipped and fell face foreword and knocked two of my permanent teeth on in the front and the other next to it. I was in agonizing pain. For that day foreword I haven’t been the same I am just know regaining confidence because for years I didn’t even smile.

Year 2004
Now I was at the top of the food chain. I was a fifth grader and I thought I was grown. I was hot stuff and one of the finest girls in the school accord to the list the boys had made. Still my confidence was shaken from the incident I had the year before. I faked like I was all good when really I was only trying to convince myself that it all good. This was year I had my first boyfriend his name was Kendrick Love and boy was he fine (He looks a hot mess now.) and all the girls wanted him. Guess what he didn’t want them he wanted me! We were just inseparable we were always together at recess. One day at recess we decided to get married under the big tree on the hill. It was so romantic we thought plus all our other friends had married their boyfriend/girlfriend too, so we thought we should too. After the right after the preacher (My best friend since third grade Corey) did the vows we kissed just as we did the teachers were coming to crash our wedding everybody ran. We wouldn’t have gotten caught if some load mouth girl wouldn’t have told the teacher.

Year 2005
Middle school here I come. I was now a sixth grader at Hickory Ridge Middle School home of the wildcats. I was so nervous I knew middle school would be nothing like elementary, but lucky for me my auntie worked there, I had a cousin in seventh grade and I had a cousin in eighth grade. I was good I knew nobody would mess with me. My best friend was Keandrea Wells we still talk to this day in fact every friend I have mentioned I still have a close contact with them. My favorite teacher was Mrs. Sanders she was my mentor I still keep in touch with her.

Year 2006
Seventh grade year was wonderful for me. I had auditioned for the CAPA choir at Colonial Middle School. It was an amazing experience and I got the chance to reunite with some of my elementary school friends we had a blast. I had some of the greatest teachers and our choir got 1st place in every competition. I was living the dream. Brittney Chess was my best friend and still is we have been friends since 5th grade. My homeroom teacher was my choir teacher Mrs. Pamela Williams; I love that woman I still go up to Colonial to go see her.

Year 2007
Here it is eighth grade. I grew up so fast. Where does the time go? Me and the three amigos Brittney Chess, Brittani Miller, and Desaraye Stewart where inseparable we spent all our time with each other. Well mainly because they put us in most of the same classes. We drove our teachers crazy. I miss middle school I had the time of my life there. Sometimes I wish I could go back, but I know I must move forward in order to reach my goal. This year I was selected to be the alto section leader for my choir class. I was so elated I knew I was the right person for the job.

Year 2008
High school here I come! This was a horrible year for me I had to be home-schooled for three months because my mom didn’t want me to attend the neighborhood school. Then she came upon Memphis Academy of Science and Engineering (MASE). I didn’t want to come here I knew I wouldn’t like it. It didn’t even sound like a school for me. My sister would fit right in because she wants to be a computer engineer but me no way. This school sounded super lame.

Year 2009
Back to MASE I go didn’t want to go back I tried to transfer, but I had two c’s and in order to get into the school I wanted to get in you could only have 1. This really sucked well at least that is what I thought. I actually liked attending school I rarely missed day for some reason MASE became interesting for me and just wasn’t a bad habit. I was in tenth grade life was good. I was even dating a senior Alfred Cooper. He was my first love. He took me to prom and we had a great time. Well nothing last forever my first love became my first heartbreak.

Year 2010
Junior year I’m almost done with high school. This year has been very trying for me. I have been sick a lot and the doctors don’t know what is wrong. I have missed a lot of school so my grades are suffering tremendously from it. I really don’t care for most of my teachers this year they bore me. To top it all off Ms. Polk got fired now that was really hard to hear. Someone who held our school up was now gone. This sucked for the school and the kids are on the rampage now. My best friend Quelissa helps me stay grounded and helps me not get into the foolishness. I am ready for senior year.

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